Monday, October 22, 2012

My Thoughts About AP Biology

Even though it seems unreal, we are 8 weeks into the school year. Where has all that time gone? In the last eight weeks I have come to a conclusion. I really do not want to go into biology, or any science for that matter. While I know a lot of my classmates love the class I just can't seem to get interested, even though Mr. Landry is great at giving interesting examples and facts. This conclusion, however, has made me more interested in taking the AP exam. At first, I didn't plan on taking it because I wanted to take entry level biology in college, but now that I am not going the sciences route I think taking the AP test would be a fantastic idea. And if I get into Notre Dame, I know that I will need a 5, so I should probably start studying up! Wish me luck!

Have a great week everyone!!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

New Scientific Findings About Twins!

For AP Biology class we had to find a current event article about biology. As I was scrolling through, I came across an article on twins! This really intrigued me because my younger brothers are identical twins. Below I have the name of the article and a summary of it:

Study Shows Where Identical Twins Part Ways
      This article starts off by explaining how identical twins have chemical markers on their genes, know as epigenetic markers. This markers do not change the genetic code but do change the way the DNA operates within the organism. It was at first believed that epigenetic markers arose after birth and where caused by different environmental factors, this would then cause differences in personalitys, looks, etc in twins. However, new studies have shown that differences in the womb can cause these epigeneic markers.
        These new studies have concluded that the biggest difference in epigenetic markers are in the genes linked closely with metabolism and development. Factors, such as birth weight or umbilical cord size, can cause these epigenetic markers and can affect the twin later in his/her adult life. Though some scientists argue whether birth weight causes the epigenetic markers or whether the epigenetic markers cause low birth weight. More studies will be conducted to test this question.

My Thoughts
      I found this new finding to be intriguing. I know that twin studies are especially helpful to scientists because it helps them learn about DNA and nature/nurture specifications. As I said, this article was interesting, but I do think the author could have gone into more depth about the studies and given more examples.

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Homecoming that Beats All Homecomings

      Sparta High School has the best Homecoming, hands down! Basically, our homecoming consists of different competitions that each grade competes in in an attempt to win the RED APPLE. On the week leading up to homecoming, we have a dress up day every day and have competitions such as a canned food drive and penny a point (both of which go to a good cause). If your grade wins the competition you earn 4 points, if you come in 2nd you get 3 points and so on and so forth. On dress up days, example, the grade with the highest percentage of students dressed up get the 4 points. These competitions continue on the Friday of Homecoming. On that Friday we arrive to school and have a formal assembly. At this assembly the homecoming court members give a speech and then we have an adult speaker. After that we go back and vote for King and Queen and then return to the gym for some games. These games can be anything from the Catepillar game (which would take to long to explain) to the Orange Pass Game (passing an orange from person to person using only your neck). These competitions also win points for each grade. After the games we have Mock Rock, which is a choreographed dance that each grade preforms, and then we have a parade to the football field for a pep assembly. During the parade each grade walks next to the float they made.  This concludes the homecoming day activities. Many students do, however, show up to the football game and do attend the homecoming dance the next day.
      Overall, I have had great homecoming experiences! I love dressing up on the dress up days and I love participating in the games! Though I must admit, my favorite memory from Homecoming was being on Homecoming court. I was blest with the chance of being a class representative sophomore year and I got elected by my grade again this year to be on court! I felt so honored and I wish more people got to have that experience because it was a blast! I enjoyed preparing and giving a speech (public speaking has become my new passion). Then I felt like a princess getting all dressed up for the parade and the football field. And on top of all that already amazing stuff, I actually won Homecoming Queen! I couldn't believe that I won so I stood there with a dazed look on my face for quite a few seconds. All in all, it was an amazing experience and I feel so blest for having it!